
It was officially founded in 2011 with its registered office in Barletta.
The artistic research of the components has been perfected thanks to the work carried out with artists such as: Claudio De Maglio, Pierre Byland, Carlo Boso, Emma Dante, Michelangelo Campanale, Giorgio Rossi, and many others.
The company plays a physical and image theater through the expressive language of the mask, the new circus and the performing arts.
He has made productions such as:
- “Constellations. Ready, set ... space! " - made in February 2018. Direction and choreography by Giorgio Rossi. Coproduction Sosta Palmizi. Study presented at Actions in Dance (2016) and Festival Visioni 2018 of Teatro Testoni - La Baracca. , Bologna.
- “Lo Stordito” by Moliere - made in 2017. Directed by Flaviano Pizzardi. Theater show, Motion Capture and 3D animation, co-production with The Pool Factory srl
- "Shake n 'spear - Hamlet 2.0" - made in 2017 directed by Savino Maria Italiano. through Realized thanks to artistic residences financed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Winner as "Best Show" of the Aenaria di Ischia 2017 Award
- “A Sciuquè” - made in 2016, directed by Ivano Picciallo.
Winner of the Rome Fringe Festival 2017 as best show And best direction
- “La Ridiculosa comedy of the disputed land” - made in 2015 directed by Claudio De Maglio and Savino Maria Italiano. Winner of the awards: "Best Production" 7th Mont Laurier International Festival (Canada); "Best acting" special mention at the DOIT 2015 festival, Rome (Italy);
"Best Production", "Best First Actress" and "Best Second Actor" at 1st Sharm El Sheikh International Theater Festival for Youth (Egypt); “Best Show” at the XIV ProContra International Festival in Szczecin (Poland); Also participate in:
2017 Tirana International Festival supported by the Italian Cultural Institute of Tirana (Albania)
2017 World Week of the Italian Language, IIC of Tirana (Albania)
2017 Festival "Bacajà!", Senigallia.
2017 International Week of the commedia dell'arte, at the Civic Academy of Udine "Nico Pepe"
2017 513th anniversary of the Challenge of Barletta at the Curci Theater in Barletta;
2016 International Theater Festival PRO CONTRA, Szczecin (Poland)
2016 XIII Winter Theater Meetings, in Opole (Poland);
2016 III International Festival of Commedia dell'Arte, Rome (Italy);
2016 Peltuinum Theater Fest, Peltuinum archaeological site (AQ);
- Show "Comedy suddenly" - made in 2012, directed by Savino Maria Italiano. Winner as "Best street show" of the street theater section "Ramblas" at the Napoli Teatro Festival 2012
Workshops and laboratories:
2017 - workshop "Masks and characters of comedy" at the circus school “BigUp” of Rome;
2017 - Workshop "Masks and Comedy" at "Forums" (Chelyabinski - Russia) organized by Union Theater of Russian Federation
2016 and 2017- Didactic meetings "Discovering the masks of the Commedia dell'Arte", at the Teatro La Fenice in Arsoli
2016 - Workshop of "Commedia dell'arte" at "University of Opole" and at MDK Theater, Opole (Poland);
From 2015 to 2017 - Theater workshop for the "School-work alternation" project at Liceo "T. Fiore ”of Terlizzi;
2015 - Workshop "Commedia dell'arte" at "McGil University" of Montréal (Québec - Canada) and at Laval University of Québec City - (Québec - Canada) organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Montréal and Dante Alighieri Institute of Québec City
2015 - laboratory "The techniques of the mask" at Independent Theater Space of Leipzig - Germany;
From 2014 to 2016 - didactic workshop at the CAGI cultural center, Barletta (Italy);
- Compagnia Sosta Palmizi, for the show "Costellazioni" (to be completed in 2018)
- The Pool Factory srl, of Rome for research work "Lo Stordito di Moliere" live show and motion capture (3D animations in real time)
- They collaborate with the Sosta Palmizi Company of Cortona
- They collaborate with the singer-songwriter Vinicio Capossela for the Ombra 2017 tour
- They collaborate with the Company La Luna nel Bed and Tra il Dire e il Fare, of Ruvo di Puglia.
- They collaborate with The Pool Factory srl, of Rome
- They collaborate with Actions in Dance, of Barletta
- They collaborate with the Teatro La Fenice, of Arsoli
- They collaborate with the Epoché Association, winner of the "Youth for Social" ministerial project organized by the Italian Ministry of Youth and Social Policies.
- Associated with the CReSCo network since 2016