W orkshop
The laboratory focuses on the fundamental basis necessary to activate the expressive code of the masks, in order to bring back to life the characters of the Commedia dell'Arte, a noble tradition invented by Italian actors during the 16th century that spread throughout Europe to Russia. Each individual character represents a different human type and a clear social category, the same ones we are still able to find and recognize in contemporary society. The encounter with the mask has something magical, because energies of amplification and transformation are activated that require the receptivity of the body. The relationship with the mask is an enrichment and an exciting experience, which facilitates the construction of an intimate connection that is not easily translated in a rational way, because it reveals those deep connections that guarantee a great feeling of well-being, as well as renewing the need for completeness of the ' actor. During the workshop, we will stimulate the development of an imaginary that only the acting experience is able to elaborate and represent.
The I Nuovi Scalzi company has held numerous workshops in Italy and abroad, including: in Canada, at the "Laval" University of Quebec City and at the "McGill" University of Montreal - in Germany, with the professional theater company "AttentrTheater "in Leipzig - in Poland, at the" University of Opole ", and at the House of Culture (MDK) in Opole, with the company of professionals" Theatr Zapadnia "from Opole.